Gina Field - Daily Telegraph - 17 Mar 2013

The biggest business guns in the west

Article published in Daily Telegraph – 17 March 2013, By Jennifer Sexton

MEET western Sydney’s business tycoons who built empires from humble beginnings and are now putting back into the community.


GINA Field would like the security guard who laughed and told her 25 years ago “women don’t work in security” to know that she now owns one of state’s most successful security firms, guarding the likes of Leonardo DiCaprio and Hugh Jackman.

She was one of the first women in Sydney to get a job in the industry, and at 19 began going out on night patrols. Back then there were no uniforms for women and the pants were tight, so she spent most of her shift standing up.

“I was in pain for 12 hours. I once got employee of the month because I stood, but I was too scared to tell them why,” Ms Field, 44, says. She was initially prevented from working in the control room. “They didn’t think we were co-ordinated enough to monitor several screens, make decisions and direct personnel. I told them I can do everything, I can answer the phone, eat a Big Mac, do my make-up,” Ms Field recalls.

She hadn’t set out with the ambition of running her own business but when she was made redundant, a woman client encouraged her to, promising to be the first to sign up. That client remains with her today.

Ms Field became the first female sole operator of a security firm when she began Nepean Regional Security (NRS) in 1998 in Penrith. She went out on night patrols in an old Holden Camira that she had to jump start and during the day hit the phones searching for new clients.

“When I started out it was seriously a cowboy industry, there was very little compliance or regulation,” Ms Field.

From tough beginnings – turning over just $9000 in the first two years – she now deploys 40 guards, has 14 patrol cars, and turns over $3 million a year, much of that through government contracts.

“It was really difficult. I had to prove myself and I had to prove my knowledge,” she said. “Now it’s different, it’s a very respected company. Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought it would go so well.”

This week NRS is providing security for 250 international athletes at the International Rowing Regatta.

Ms Field once thwarted a robbery but has never been hurt on the job and still goes out on patrol.

“I really enjoy being a guard, I love doing it,” she said.

She instructs her staff to “observe, record and report” to police and if a fight breaks out, “stay back”.

She was a finalist for the Premier’s Woman of the Year Award last month and last year made the shortlist of Telstra’s business women’s awards.

Ms Field is a volunteer, donor and sponsor to the local community through arts events, youth programs, guide dogs and cancer support.

“I have always been a different type of female,’ she said.

Gina Field - Daily Telegraph - 17 Mar 2013

Source: https://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/the-biggest-business-guns-in-the-west/news-story/c00582e7888f05a88f89c4d4e3a3617b


About Gina

Gina Field is a Multi Award winning Penrith Business Owner. She’s been a staple part of the Penrith Business Community for over a decade, serving on the board of Penrith Chamber of Commerce and other community and industry boards. She is a passionate supporter of Women in business and is regularly involved in business awards as a sponsor.

Being in this competitive business since 1988, Gina is not only a success but an icon and role model for women.