
Empowering Youth Day in Penrith: A Day of Learning and Inspiration

Sponsored by Gina Field – Nepean Regional Security

This year, the Penrith CBD Corporation hosted an exceptional event known as Empowering Youth Day, dedicated to nurturing the potential of young women from the local high schools. This inspiring initiative was graciously sponsored by Gina Field of Nepean Regional Security, a figure synonymous with success and empowerment in the Western Sydney community. The event saw active participation from students of Penrith Selective High School, Jamison High School, and Penrith Performing Arts and Creative High School, who were given a remarkable opportunity to learn from some of the most influential figures in the business and professional spheres.

The Journey Through Empowering Youth Day

The day began bright and early at 8:45 AM with a self-defense and awareness session at the PCYC, providing the students with vital skills in personal safety. This empowering session was followed by a visit to Jamie’s Hair at 9:30 AM, where the girls learned how to present themselves professionally for interviews, receiving tips on hair styling that resonates confidence and professionalism.

At 11:00 AM, the focus shifted to financial literacy with a morning tea hosted by NAB. Here, the students learned about essential banking and cyber security measures, crucial for anyone stepping into the workforce. Understanding these tools at an early age sets a foundation for financial independence and security.

Lunch was a delightful affair at Grill’d at 12:15 PM, where students pre-ordered their meals and had the chance to interact informally with Gina Field and other CBD staff, gaining informal mentorship and advice.

Post-lunch, at 1:30 PM, the day continued with a session by Judges Accountants on the importance of understanding financial numbers—from savings and budgets to superannuation. This session emphasised how financial knowledge empowers women both professionally and personally.

At 2:15 PM, the students visited Westfield for a session on makeup and styling. This was not just about looking good but about crafting a personal image that reflects one’s professional goals and aspirations, especially important for job interviews.

The day concluded with a practical and interactive segment from 3:30 PM to 4:30 PM, where students participated in mock interviews and resume building workshops. Gina Field, an award-winning businesswoman, shared her insights and experiences, offering valuable tips on how to excel in interviews and make impactful first impressions.

Looking Forward

The feedback from the students was overwhelmingly positive, with many expressing gratitude for the insights and skills they gained throughout the day. Events like Empowering Youth Day are pivotal in providing young women with the tools and confidence they need to succeed in their careers and personal lives.

We extend our heartfelt thanks to Gina Field and all the local businesses that participated in making this day a resounding success. Their commitment to empowering the future workforce is commendable, and we look forward to continuing this tradition in the years to come, helping more young women rise to their full potential.


About Gina

Gina Field is a Multi Award winning Penrith Business Owner. She’s been a staple part of the Penrith Business Community for over a decade, serving on the board of Penrith Chamber of Commerce and other community and industry boards. She is a passionate supporter of Women in business and is regularly involved in business awards as a sponsor.

Being in this competitive business since 1988, Gina is not only a success but an icon and role model for women.